
The Institute ghostwriter bachelorarbeit kosten for Social Change (InSoC), emerging from the legacy of the Initiative for Social Change established in March 2009, marks a significant chapter in our organizational development and self-organization. This transition acknowledges its predecessor’s rich organizational history and experiences, paving the way for a reinvigorated vision and mission. InSoC’s vision is to empower individuals and society towards a shared vision by fostering the sustainable development of democratic values, the rule of law, human rights, and human capital. This is achieved through social transformation, challenging the status quo in our society, including institutional injustices, racism, discrimination, and corruption, and pursuing balanced national development strategies. This encompasses the cultivation of values essential for sustainable development, democratic principles, the rule of law, human rights, and human capital through social change and national development.

InSoC’s initiatives encompass transformative efforts in social structures, behaviors, relationships, groups, and movements, coupled with normative changes to foster core values. The organization’s mission is to facilitate every individual’s realization of their maximum developmental potential, fostering a society harmoniously progressing towards sustainability. InSoC firmly prioritizes democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and investing in human capital. This ghostwriter hausarbeit kosten commitment is further strengthened by employing a human rights-based approach in all its endeavors. The commitment to accountability, empowerment, and equal opportunities, with a specific focus on vulnerable groups, particularly the Roma community, reflects the organization’s dedication to positive change.

Vision Statement
Roma are equal citizens in our society

Mission Statement
We actively contribute to social change and an equitable society

Програма за поддршка на граѓанското општество – Цивика Мобилитас – Институционална поддршка на InSoC

ИнСоК во текот на месец јули 2019 во рамки на третата фаза 2019-2022 од спроведувањето на програмата ЦИВИКА МОБИЛИТАС се здоби со институционален грант.

ЦИВИКА МОБИЛИТАС е проект на Швајцарската агенција за развој и соработка (СДЦ) кој го спроведуваат НИРАС од Данска, Македонскиот центар за меѓународна соработка (МЦМС) и ФЦГ Шведски развој АБ (ФЦГ Шведска).

Општа цел на програмата е:

Општествените промени во Македонија се поттикнати од силен граѓански сектор, активни граѓани и добра соработка со властите, што резултира со потранспарентно, поотчетно и социјално-инклузивно управување како на централно, така и на локално ниво.

Надир Реџепи – Координатор – учетво на МТВ1 – Македонија Наутро